Announcement of extension of the deadline date for submission of the bidding documents to May 30, 2022 ______________________________________________________________________
Project: Transboundary Biosphere Reserve Prespa Project, Phase 2 Date: 06.05.2022
Assignment: “Construction of two new water ponds and reconstruction of three existing Water Ponds for livestock and wild animals in Prespa National Park (PNP) in five (5) selected areas of Prespa National Park (PNP)”
We refer to ITB dated 29.03.2022 for “Construction of two new water ponds and reconstruction of three existing Water Ponds for livestock and wild animals in Prespa National Park (PNP) in five (5) selected areas of Prespa National Park (PNP)”; Employer: National Agency of Protected Areas on behalf of MoTE; and more in detail we refer to the following:
Section “D. Submission and Opening of Bids” of the ITB, Sub-clause No. 22 “Deadline for Submission of Bids” and Section II. Bid Data Sheet – ITB 22.1, where the first paragraph is amended as follows:
The Original Bid shall be submitted not later than May 30, 2022, 16:00 hrs local time at the following address, which shall be the controlling address for the purposes of the timely submission of the Bid.
The extension of the deadline date for submission of the bidding documents from 16th , to 30th of May, will allow sufficient time for addressing the technical questions raised by potential bidders during the pre-bid meeting held on April 22 and during the site visit organized on April 26, 2022, and at the same time will allow sufficient time to potential bidders to properly prepare and submit the bidding documents. The amended ITB will be published in the upcoming days